8 Low-Code & Mobile PLM Features That Provide The Most Bang For Your Buck… according To Vilfredo Pareto ;)
As Vilfredo Pareto might have said if he had lived 100 years later, “you get 80% of your low-code/mobile PLM benefit from 20% of the features & functionalities” yeah, I know it’s a stretch!
So, what are the top 8 low-code/mobile PLM features & functionalities that give you that crucial 20%?
Modernizing Legacy and Embracing Citizen Development with Continental’s Sven Fleischer
Continental understood they would not be able to resource their legacy migration work with custom development and needed to find a way for their IT team to move faster and release apps quickly for their enterprise. With an aggressive timeline to move apps built on Lotus Notes and Domino as those platforms approach end-of-life, Continental needed one platform that allowed them to address a wide variety of use cases.