8 Low-Code & Mobile PLM Features That Provide The Most Bang For Your Buck… according To Vilfredo Pareto ;)
As Vilfredo Pareto might have said if he had lived 100 years later, “you get 80% of your low-code/mobile PLM benefit from 20% of the features & functionalities”
So, what are the top 8 low-code/mobile PLM features & functionalities that give you that crucial 20%?
Low-Code involves the rapid design and development of business applications with minimal amounts of coding. Complex but reusable chunks of code are commodified into components, building blocks, widgets or services. They are then assembled within a platform to produce sophisticated business applications FAST.
But as Vilfredo Pareto might have said (if he was, how to put it? Alive), what are the top 8 low-code/mobile PLM features & functionalities that give you that crucial 20%?
By the way, it’s unlikely you’ll find all of this in one PLM platform. But maybe one day.
The Top 8
You can create any information/data/object/entity (please select your preferred word) model in a “Loosely coupled” flexible way. Its not hard coded. This means you can quickly create, change & adapt as circumstances evolve on the fly without taking down the system.
You can configure complex behaviours like workflows and lifecycles via graphical wizards.
4. You can build tailored User Interfaces and User Experiences that work across all devices & operating systems (Windows, IOS, Android etc) and leverage the native capabilities of mobile devices without writing any code.
5. You can create ‘business logic’ (basically, rules that govern how the system operates) graphically without writing traditional code.
6. This business logic is compiled at run-time. It’s not embedded in DLLs that have to be referenced by the application and upgraded separately.
7. You can integrate with other business systems via graphically configured REST interfaces and map the resulting data using graphical wizards.
8. You can manage your super agile projects all in 1 place and deploy to the cloud with 1-click
9. The IT ‘Plumbing’ has been taken out of the equation. As a PLM practitioner, ideally you want to focus on the interesting stuff. You shouldn’t have to worry about database performance, file storage, server operating systems etc. because the technology provider has taken care of all that and everything just works really well and really fast.
You can iterate more quickly, cover all the business use-cases, with better performance & reliability and you will never face upgrade issues..!
As Mr Pareto once said (err, actually, he didn’t)… “What’s Not To Like?”
Watch the short videos to learn more about our low-code mobile apps.
Using our 30 years of experience in PLM Technology, we’ve leveraged the speed and flexibility of modern low-code development platforms to create and maintain much needed range of desktop applications, web portals and native mobile apps for Aras Innovator.
We’ve integrated them using modern REST API’s, complementing and extending Aras applications into the field, enabling joined up processes with service engineers, suppliers and customers and thereby helping them complete the digital thread.
Our custom-made dashboards, supplier and customer web portals give managers, customers and suppliers access to view and update a subset of information via a much-simplified user interface and user experience, including access to native mobile device features such as camera, location and biometric security. They Work across Windows, IOS or Android Devices and provide the ability to work off-line and synchronise information back to Aras Innovator when back on-line.
And all our web-portals and mobile apps can be easily tailored to align to customized Aras applications and solutions.
This video demonstrates the In-Basket Mobile Application for Aras Innovator. It extends Aras Innovator into the field, enabling Aras users to access their in-basket on the move via a simplified user interface. Device & platform independent access to native features of the device. Work offline and synchronise information later when online.
Video discussing Aras Problem Reporting direct from your phone or mobile device. Integration with your device’s Location Services allows you to capture and send the precise location of the problem. Integration with your Camera allows you to capture and send a photo. Integration with Bar Code & QR Code widgets allow you to link the problem automatically to an Aras Physical and Design Part.